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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 2 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 2)(January 1994).iso / Diehl Graphsoft / German / MiniCad / MiniCad-68K / R-Weiterungen / Streckenmesser < prev    next >
MacBinary  |  1994-09-03  |  117KB

This file was processed as: MacBinary (archive/macBinary).

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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
10% dexvert MacBinary (macBinary) fallback
100% file MacBinary II, inited, Wed Apr 6 05:48:12 1994, modified Sat Sep 3 07:06:59 1994, creator 'CDP3', type 'OEtl' "Streckenmesser", at 0x80 117095 bytes resource FILE_SIZE=117248 default
99% file data default
100% TrID MacBinary 2 default